Saturday, January 12, 2008

Painting, painting . . . .

All I want to do is to sell and play with plants!

We're spending most, if not all of our time painting. One evening we had help painting when Rhonda volunteered to come by for a while and help. All in all there's so much and many jobs to do. As some of you know I've had a sole-proprietorship (service oriented) business since 1974. It's nothing compared to a retail store.

There are so many sub-jobs required to run a store aside from selling what you like. Business forms, bank accounts for retail, payroll stuff, IRS stuff, employee stuff, insurance, and tons more. When does the easy part start?
Check out the picture above with the December 29th blog picture.

Our friends and customer based enthusiasm really helps remind me that once all this is done, it'll be fun!


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