Wednesday, January 16, 2008

it's a bird! it's a plane! it's...

The good news is, I think I've found my Inner Superman - in a Nietzschian, rather than DC Comics kinda way, as I remain unable to leap tall buildings or even short ones. *g* Painted last night 'til after midnight but out of bed again by 7am (kinda late for me, truthfully) and I'm ready to go back. I am a painting machine.

Andy did the same, though he also found time to teach some martial arts classes last night. Trained killer that he is, we already knew he was Superman, so for him it was just another day. :b

The office is finished. A small part of the floor still needs a second coat. About 80% of the walls are finished. By Friday, we'll be done.

Yesterday was Sally's first day back on the job, and it was wonderful to have her company and her good help again. Today, hopefully we can turn her loose on some office stuff! Those seed orders ain't writin' themselves and I've so far failed to get to them. 6.5 weeks to go 'til we open; no need to panic yet but the anxiety will be ramping up every day...

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