Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fall Bulbs at Emerald City Gardens: The 2009 Collection

This year we ordered from the same company as last year - which, to shorten a long story, means we have to wait a little longer for them (they're due in shortly after the equinox) but the quality is outstanding since they dig their bulbs later than most growers, giving them time to mature and store more sugar for energy. Tulip bulbs are notoriously perishable but most of our leftovers were viable even into January, when we finally planted them out on our parking strip. They bloomed beautifully, and pretty much on time - so your window to get these guys planted is longer than you might think.

The following list contains more species and "rock garden" tulips than last year, which are becoming increasingly popular as people discover they make for a more-or-less permanent planting as opposed to the 2-4 years most people are able to get out of the usual big, blowsy hybrids. By popular request we're offering more alliums this year, too, and some interesting fritillarias; also a complete color range of hyacinths for your garden or indoor forcing. We're offering fewer daffodils (narcissi) this year because they just didn't sell well for us last year; you can get your big yellow 'King Alfred's and the like from Fred Meyer for the proverbial dime a dozen and that leaves us more space for fun stuff. Our holiday bulbs (paperwhite narcissus and amaryllis) will be in by late October or early November.

Here you go!:

- Tulip 'Little Beauty'
- Tulip batalinii 'Apricot Jewel'
- Tulip humilis 'Alba Coerulea Oculata'
- Tulip humilis 'Eastern Star'
- Tulip humilis 'Persian Pearl'
- Tulip clusiana 'Lady Jane'
- Tulip marjoletti
- Tulip turkestanica
- Tulip 'Analita'
- Tulip 'Shakespeare'
- Tulip 'Heart's Delight'
- Tulip greigii 'Red Riding Hood'
- Tulip 'Princess Irene'
- Tulip 'Bastogne'
- Tulip 'Jackpot'
- Tulip 'Jan Ohms'
- Tulip 'Angelique'
- Tulip 'Blue Parrot'
- Tulip 'Formosa'
- Tulip 'Ballerina'
- Tulip 'Swan Wings'
- Tulip 'Queen of Night'
- Tulip 'Passionale'
- Narcissus 'Decoy'
- Narcissus 'High Society'
- Narcissus 'White Lion'
- Narcissus 'Suzy'
- Narcissus 'Actaea'
- Narcissus jonquilla 'Simplex'
- Crocus tomassinianus 'Barr's Purple'
- Crocus vernus 'King of the Striped'
- Crocus chrysanthus 'Goldilocks'
- Hyacinth 'L'Innocence'
- Hyacinth 'Woodstock'
- Hyacinth 'Blue Jacket'
- Hyacinth 'Delft Blue'
- Hyacinth 'Fondant'
- Hyacinth 'City of Haarlem'
- Muscari aucheri 'Ocean Magic'
- Muscari 'Valerie Finnis'
- Muscari - Magical Mix
- Fritillaria pallidiflora
- Fritillaria michailovskyi
- Fritillaria persica
- Allium albopilosum (christophii)
- Allium 'Ambassador'
- Allium azureum
- Allium bulgaricum
- Allium cowanii
- Allium stipitatum 'White Giant'
- Anemone blanda - blue shades
- Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno' (double snowdrops)
- Oriental lily 'Mona Lisa'

Enjoy, kids!

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