Saturday, August 1, 2009

new month, new ad, new sale!

Starts today! Annuals and our few remaining old veggie starts are still 40% off (actually, ask us nicely and you can just TAKE the remaining veggie starts) and the coleus are so awesome right now we don't know how anyone could resist them. New vegetables - the start of our "fall veggies" assortment - will start coming in next week; these will be at the normal price, $2.49 for most 3.5" pots or 4-6 paks.

The discount on perennials, trees and shrubs includes groundcovers, perennial herbs and succulents, too, even the tender ones. We've worked hard to keep things alive and even looking good through the horrendous heat wave - now it's time for you to come in and take them home!

July was pretty bad, but we're hangin' in there. August will bring new plants, new seeds, garlic and shallot sets and who knows what else? Fall flower bulbs are being ordered, too, but won't arrive 'til mid-late September. ~

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