Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy spring time?

The iris are starting to bloom, as well as peonies :). We have two selections from our yard: Iris siberica 'Variations In Blue' and Iris siberica 'Silver Edge', two of our favorites. We also have a few hostas from our yard that are super cool: Partiot, Golden Tiara, Royal Standard (fragrant), and Pearl Lake.

Bad news :( Check your junipers, cypresses, and arborvitae's, are the tips dying or brown? I've noticed around our place and the neighbors the juniper tip moth & leaf miners have emerged. At first I thought it was poor watering but at closer inspection there were tiny green caterpillars dangling from the branches. The tip moth lays their eggs late spring/summer on the branches, the emerge and burrow into the tips of the stems and stay there over winter. Around April they start hatching and eat from the inside of the leaf causing it to die. May they emerge and start over. While inside the leaf there's nothing you can do except prune it off. Now you can use something like Neem to control the moths and eggs. Prune out the damaged foliage and spray. Other plants that are known for leaf miner are: columbines, hosta, and vegetable leaf crops. Check the leaves, it looks like little tunnels are inside the leaf. Pick and destroy, do not compost.


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