Thursday, December 20, 2007

it beginneth

Hi, peoples!

We signed the lease this morning. Liability insurance to be procured yet, then we get the keys right after xmas. We took Lorene to lunch at Roxy's and really, truly meant to plant bulbs on the parking strip this afternoon, but wimped out yet again. "It's too cold - WAAAAHH! Let's come back and do it tomorrow!" Uh-huh. Tomorrow's s'posed to be 10° colder.

Andy thinks we should do CafePress stuff. I like the idea of no up-front investment, though it's a lower profit margin and not likely to be high-volume, so probably best that we don't look to make our fortune this way. Eh, maybe one day I can revisit this first post and chortle at the naïveté of the preceding sentence. :b

Bring it on.

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