Tanker fans,
I forgot to mention the shop cat. Tanker will definitely be there when we open and even before.
Tanker has been spending his time with us, on holiday. We love him, but it's not quite a holiday for us. We already have two cats, Casper and Minnie. Tanker and Casper get along OK, they play sometimes but Tanker is a lone cat.
However, Tanker and Minnie have problems. I don't know if Tanker just wants to get to know Minnie or if he's intimidating her. Anyway, there's lots of growling when the two see each other. Minnie runs and Tanker chases. Minnie wants him gone!
I think Tanker also is missing his fans. Since he's not the only cat here he doesn't get as much attention (when he wants it) as at the shop.
On the plus side Tanker has gained weight and eats a lot here. He even likes to curl up around our feet at night when the other cats aren't around. He pretends to be distant but it's obvious he loves attention as long as you pretend not to know it.