Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Yeah, 'cause we're crazy that way. Hey, we need to generate traffic in the dog days of summer, and you need enticement to BE that traffic! This isn't just a clearance sale as we'll still be bringing in new plants almost weekly but the fact is we are overstocked and densely packed with plants that need "breathing space" - and really frikkin' need to get out of their pots and into the ground. Do your good deed, liberate our little green charges and save some green while you're at it! The sale runs through July and probably August as well.

While I've got your attention, please put FRIDAY, JULY 11TH on your calendar, specifically the hours 6-8pm. All through June we did these special after-hours openings on Friday nights to raise money for various charities/good causes (yeah, would've been good to announce that on the blog, huh?): 25% of the evenings' take was donated off the top and if, in our opinion, the total wasn't very impressive, the company and our employees would donate a bit of our own funds to plump it up a bit. We're taking the 4th of July off (closed that day) but the next Friday, the 11th, will be our final event of the season. A new P-Patch is coming to the neighborhood, Hazel Heights by name (apparently on a hilly plot donated by a woman named Hazel, thus "Hazel Heights") and what with our dedication to urban farming in its myriad forms, this just seemed like a natural partnership. They're bringing food. They're bringing beer. We're smiling charmingly and taking your money. A good time will be had by all - you included, if you're there!

'til next time...
Jay ~